Thursday 2 April 2015

8 Surah Pemusnah Sel Kanser >> Ayuh Sebarkan !!

Lapan surah ini boleh diamalkan dan dibaca untuk memusnahkan sel-sel barah kanser. Jika pesakit dapat membacanya lagi baik. Jika tak terdaya atau kurang baik bacaannya maka boleh minta suami, ayah, ibu atau orang lain membaca untuknya.

Selok-eloknya sebelum memulakan bacaan surah dibawah :

1. Istighfar 10x.
2. Salawat Nabi 10x.
3. Al-Fatihah 1x.

Sediakan sebotol secukupnya air yang bersih lagi suci dan setiap kali habis surah dibaca, ditiupkan kepada air. Pesakit dinasihat minum air bacaan tiap-tiap hari dan sapu/mandi pada anggota yang kena barah kanser. InsyaAllah kerana sakit dan sembuh semua kekuasaanNya.

1. Surah Al Maidah (Ayat 82-91).
2. Surah Al Araf (Ayat 70-81).
3. Surah Ar Ra'd (Ayat 16-28).
4. Surah Al Anbiyaa' (Ayat 38-50).
5. Surah Asy Syu'ara (Ayat 185-227).
6. Surah Az Zummar (Ayat 42-52).
7. Surah Ghafir (Ayat 67-77).
8. Surah Az Zukhruf (Ayat 52-70).

Kepada pembaca tolong sebarkan kepada ahli keluarga dan saudara yang sedang mengidap penyakit kanser. Semoga dengan menolong mereka yang sakit, akan juga mendapat pahala dari bacaannya serta pahala kerana menolong sesama hamba yang benar-benar memerlukan pertolongan dan penyembuhan dari-Nya. 


Selain dari usaha di atas, pengambilan suplemen juga sangat membantu. Shaklee ade suplemen yang boleh bantu anda iaitu VIVIX Shaklee. Vivix ni bahan-bahan di dalam ialah buah-buahan seperti anggur dan buah berry yang kaya dengan agen antioksidan yg boleh mencegah sel-sel kanser dari merebak dan berleluasa. Tapi apa yang paling berkuasa di dalam juga ada resveratrol yang terbukti dah melalui kajian saintifik ia mampu mencegah dan membantu merawat kanser itu. Tengok gambar kat bawah jenis-jenis buah anti-kanser juga terdiri dari buah anggur dan berries.

Testimoni dalam negara mengenai VIVIX SHAKLEE.

Ibu kepada customer ini menghidap kanser payudara tahap 4, Alhamdulillah dengan izin Allah, pengambilan VIVIX dah bantu pesakit ini walaupun dah masuk fasa kritikal.

Testimoni dari luar negara mengenai VIVIX SHAKLEE:

Skin Cancer

“In October of 2007, I was diagnosed with a Basel Cell carcinoma (skin cancer) on my left shin. The Dermatologist cut and scraped it out and asked to see me again in 6 months.

In July of 2008 the lesion had not healed and appeared to be even larger. We scheduled a surgical procedure to remove the entire lesion including going as deep as needed and excising healthy skin all the way around (about the size of a quarter).

In August I began using VIVIX. 4 weeks later, I went for the surgery and the cancer was essentially gone! I’ve been a dedicated Shaklee nutrition user for many years and VIVIX was the only difference in my supplement program.”
– Ann & Ed Mangelsen

Lung Cancer

“Ken was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer Oct. 2007. One tumor is located near the T3 & T4 vertebra. He was having severe pain in his upper back & the only thing that helped was morphine tablets – he needed one tab every 12 hrs. Dec of 2007 the oncologist recommended chemotherapy. We were told “there is no cure” – the hope was to “buy him some time”. And hopefully the chemo kills the cancer before it kills you! We know chemo is poison and kills good cellsalong with the bad. The formula was aggressive and strong. He got worse with each treatment and it took longer to recover between treatments. I asked if I could give him vitamins and the Dr. said not while he was having chemo. Ken rarely used Shaklee vitamins. It’s hard for him to swallow pills!

His 6th and last treatment was April 7, 2008. The oncologist told us the further out from the last chemo treatment without the cancer growing again, the better. Again I asked if I could give him vitamins now? He said “give him anything you want”. It had been 10months since his last treatment! I started Ken on (force fed him!) Cinch shakes. He had NO appetite and was continuing to lose weight, was very weak and proceeded to lose 10 more pounds! I thought he was dying. He also took Vitalizer Gold, Garlic, Alfalfa, Nutriferon, Flavomax and Zinc. (Vivix was started Aug. 2008).

June 2008 we began to see SLOW improvement – his hair and appetite started to come back. The Doctors had been monitoring him every 2 months to make sure the cancer was not growing again.

January 2009 our follow up oncology visit was a good report: He is doing well, looks great, and feels good. He said come back in 3 months instead of 2.

Feb. 16, 2009: Ken has not needed morphine or any pain pills AT ALL for the last 2 months! I believe VIVIX is helping with that also.

Selain dari membantu mencegah dan merawat kanser, VIVIX juga bantu penyembuhan penyakit strok. Ada yang dulu terlantar baring, kini dan boleh bangun dan berjalan.
Boleh baca di sini >> STROK

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Penafian: Produk ini tidak bertujuan untuk diagnosis,merawat, menyembuh atau mencegah sebarang jenis penyakit

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